Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Semester Calendar Sections 0304

AT 103 Basic Design I/ FALL 2011

Semester Plan:  Section 03: T-TH 9:25-12:15/ Section 04: T-TH 11:25-2:05

Lecture or Assignment Topics

Thursday. Sept. 1st

Tuesday Sept. 6th

Thursday Sept. 8th

Tuesday Sept. 13th

Thursday Sept. 15th

Tuesday Sept.  20th

Thursday Sept. 22nd

Tuesday Sept. 27th

Thursday Sept. 29th

Tuesday October 4th

Thursday October 6th

Tuesday October 11th

Thursday October 13th

Tuesday October 18th

Thursday October 20th  

Tuesday October 25th

Thursday October 27th

Tuesday Nov. 1st

Thursday Nov. 3rd 

Tuesday Nov 8th

Thursday Nov 10th

Tuesday Nov. 15th

Thursday Nov. 17th

Tuesday Nov. 22nd    

Thursday Nov 24th

Tuesday  Nov. 29th

Thursday December 1st

Tuesday December 6th

Thursday December 8th


Introduction: Syllabus, Course contents and projects
Reading Assignment
Introduction + Chapter 1: 2 D Design: LINE Pag 1-10

 Slide Lecture and discussion: Design and Visual Awareness
Artist Video: William Kentridge
Visual elements of 2D Design/ LINE
Project 1 Assigned

Line Studio Session
Reading Assignment:
Chapter 1: 2D Design: SHAPE. Pag 10-23

Slide Lecture SHAPE: Positive and Negative Space
Artist Video: Kara Walker
Project 2 Assigned

Shape Studio Session

Critique Project 1 &2
Reading Assignment :
Chapter 1: 2D Design: TEXTURE. Pag 23-28

Slide Lecture: TEXTURE.  Physical & Visual
Artist Video: Vik Muniz
Project 3 / Part 1 Assigned

Project 3/ Part 1 reviewed.
Project 3 / Part 2 Assigned: Studio Session

Project 3. Part 2 reviewed
Project 3/ Part 3 Assigned Studio Session
Reading Assignment :
Chapter 1: 2D Design: VALUE Pag. 29-35

Slide Lecture: VALUE
Artist Video: Vija Celmins
Project 4 Assigned

TEXTURE Studio Session Project 4


TEXTURE Studio Session:  Project 4

Project 3 and Project 4 Critique

Reading Assignment :
Chapter 2: THE ELEMENTS OF COLOR. Pag 39-49

Slide Lecture: COLOR THEORY
Color Physics: Additive and Subtractive Color
Project 5 Assigned

COLOR Studio Session

Project 6 Assigned

Studio Session
Reading Assignment :
Chapter 2: THE ELEMENTS OF COLOR. Pag. 50-63

Project 7 Assigned

COLOR Studio Session

COLOR Studio Session

Critique  COLOR portfolio
Reading Assignment :
Chapter 3: Principles of 2D Design. Pag. 66-89

Unity/Variety/Balance/Scale/Proportion/Rhythm/ Emphasis
Project 9 Assigned

Thanksgiving/ No Class

Studio Session Project 9
Reading Assignment : Chapter 4 Illusion of Space and Motion. Pag 91-107

Lecture: Illusion of Space and Motion/ Story Board

Studio Session. Review of Artists selected and Sketchbooks for Final Project.

Studio session Final Project

Research Paper deadlines & Individual Presentations

Section 03: Thursday Dec. 15 / 8:00 – 10:00 am

Section 04: Friday Dec. 16     / 2:00 – 4:00 pm


Semester long projects


Each student will maintain a sketchbook throughout the semester to create thumbnail sketches for each project, collect visual references, as well as to draft ideas and thoughts. 

This sketchbook will be consulted by student and instructor during the design phase of each project.  Sketchbook drawings will be considered for evaluation with each design project. At the end of the semester these documents will be presented along the final projects to discuss and evaluate the process of each student’s journey along the course.


Research on the life and works of a significant painter, printmaker, drawer, graphic designer, photographer, mixed media or digital artist that you consider apply Elements of Design in his/her work from a very personal and distinctive approach. 

This research project will culminate in a paper and visual presentation to share the research data with the class. Presentations will be scheduled to be delivered as part of final exam during the last classes, depending on enrollment of the course. Research project will be presented as well in the form of a paper as Final Exam and linked to the Story Board Project.

Further details and strategies to follow in the research and application of its outcome on the Final Project will be explained towards the end of the semester. To guide your research, an introductory list of suggested Contemporary artists will be provided so you can begin to look up their works and be familiar with Contemporary Art & Design conceptual and aesthetics approaches.

Semester Calendar Section 02

AT103 Basic Design I/ FALL 2011

Semester Plan:  Section 02: M-W 12:15-2:05

Lecture or Assignment Topics

Wed. August 31st

Monday September 5th

Wed September 7th

Monday Sept. 12th

Wed. Sept. 14th

Monday Sept.  19th

 Wed. Sept. 21st

Monday Sept. 26th

Wed. Sept. 28th

Monday October 3rd

 Wed. October 5th

Monday October 10th

Wed. October 12th

Monday October 17th

Wed. October 19th  

Monday October 24th

 Wed. October 26th

Monday Oct. 31st

Wed. Nov. 2nd 

Monday Nov 7th

Wed.  Nov 9th

Monday Nov. 14th

Wed. Nov. 16th

Monday Nov. 21st   

Wednesday 23rd

 Monday  Nov. 28th

Wed.  Nov 31st

Monday Dec. 5th

Wed. December 7th

Monday Dec. 12th


Introduction: Syllabus, Course contents and projects
Reading Assignment : 
Introduction + Chapter 1: 2 D Design: LINE Pag 1-10

No class / Labor Day

 Slide Lecture and discussion: Design and Visual Awareness
Artist Video: William Kentridge
Visual elements of 2D Design/ LINE
Project 1 Assigned

Studio Session
Reading Assignment:
Chapter 1: 2D Design: SHAPE. Pag 10-23

Slide Lecture SHAPE: Positive and Negative Space
Artist Video: Kara Walker
Project 2 Assigned

Studio Session
Reading Assignment :
Chapter 1: 2D Design: TEXTURE. Pag 23-28

Critique Project 1 & 2
Slide Lecture: TEXTURE.  Physical & Visual
Artist Video: Vik Muniz
Project 3 / Part 1 Assigned

Project 3/ Part 1 reviewed.
Project 3 / Part 2 Assigned: Studio Session

Project 3. Part 2 reviewed
Project 3/ Part 3 Assigned Studio Session
Reading Assignment :
Chapter 1: 2D Design: VALUE Pag. 29-35

Project DUE: Critique
Slide Lecture: VALUE
Artist Video: Vija Celmins
Project 4 Assigned

Studio Session


Studio Session

Project 3 and Project 4 Critique

Reading Assignment :
Chapter 2: THE ELEMENTS OF COLOR. Pag 39-49

Slide Lecture: COLOR THEORY
Color Physics: Additive and Subtractive Color
Project 5 Assigned

Studio Session

Project 6 Assigned

Studio Session
Reading Assignment :
Chapter 2: THE ELEMENTS OF COLOR. Pag. 50-63

Project 7 Assigned

COLOR Studio Session

COLOR Studio Session

Critique  COLOR portfolio
Reading Assignment :
Chapter 3: Principles of 2D Design. Pag. 66-89

Unity/Variety/Balance/Scale/Proportion/Rhythm/ Emphasis
Project 9 Assigned

Thanksgiving/ No Class

Studio Session Project 9
Reading Assignment :
Chapter 4 Illusion of Space and Motion. Pag 91-107

Lecture: Illusion of Space and Motion/ Story Board

Studio Session. Review of Artists selected and Sketchbooks for Final Project.

Studio session Final Project

Studio session Final Project

Research Paper deadlines &  Individual Presentations
Section 02: Thursday Dec. 15 / 11:00 – 1:00 am

Semester long projects


Each student will maintain a sketchbook throughout the semester to create thumbnail sketches for each project, collect visual references, as well as to draft ideas and thoughts. 

This sketchbook will be consulted by student and instructor during the design phase of each project.  Sketchbook drawings will be considered for evaluation with each design project. At the end of the semester these documents will be presented along the final projects to discuss and evaluate the process of each student’s journey along the course.


Research on the life and works of a significant painter, printmaker, drawer, graphic designer, photographer, mixed media or digital artist that you consider apply Elements of Design in his/her work from a very personal and distinctive approach. 

This research project will culminate in a paper and visual presentation to share the research data with the class. Presentations will be scheduled to be delivered as part of final exam during the last classes, depending on enrollment of the course. Research project will be presented as well in the form of a paper as Final Exam and linked to the Story Board Project.

Further details and strategies to follow in the research and application of its outcome on the Final Project will be explained towards the end of the semester. To guide your research, an introductory list of suggested Contemporary artists will be provided in this blog, so you can begin to look up their works and be familiar with Contemporary Art & Design conceptual and aesthetics approaches.

Syllabus AT 104 SPRING 2011

AT 103
Basic Design I

Prerequisite: None.

Semester: Fall 2011
Instructor: Prof. Mandrile
Email: amandrile@newhaven.edu
Office : Gate House # 106
Phone Ext: 7493

Office Hours
Mondays & Wednesdays: 2:10 to 4:30 pm
Tuesdays &Thursdays: 11:30 am to 12:10 pm & 2:10 to 3pm

Class Time / D201
AT 103- 02: M-W             12:15 AM- 2:05 PM            Final Exam: Thursday Dec. 15 / 11:00 – 1:00 am
AT 103- 03: T-TH             9:25 AM- 11:15 AM            Final Exam: Thursday Dec. 15 / 8:00 – 10:00 am
AT 103- 04: T-TH            12:15 AM- 2:05 PM             Final Exam:  Friday Dec. 16     / 2:00 – 4:00 pm

Course Description:

A foundation course that includes exploration of two-dimensional visual elements–line, color, texture, pattern, value, shape, size, placement, figure-ground and their effective use in visual communication.  The course focuses on introductory concepts of two-dimensional design and a close examination of color theory through the interaction of form and color for greatest effectiveness in pictorial compositions.

 Course Objectives

·       To recognize two dimensional visual elements experimenting with techniques and materials through traditional (and digital methods) of image generation and manipulation
·       To comprehend the relevance of color theory and color systems for artists and designers
·       To be aware of the significance of the symbolism of color within different cultures
·       To use a sketchbook as a means of recording concepts and images, and through that understanding the importance of the Process in creative thinking and production
·       To gain confidence in drawing, sketching, painting and compositing abilities
·       To Explore and understand the usage of color, structure and form in art and design through a historical survey
·       To become aware of Contemporary Art and Design issues
·       To be able to analyze image concept and content in visual communication

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to:
·      Analyze the basic concepts of image and how they are
used in the field of visual arts, graphic design, multimedia and interior design
·      Explore various materials and techniques that better translate conceptually and aesthetically the visual proposal
·      Identify relationships between text and image
·      Identify the elements and principles of design
·      Apply theory to practice in project work
·      Integrate basic principles of visual representation within studio based practice
·      Analyze final project outcomes
·      Develop a theoretical context for project work
·      Use professional presentation techniques in the development of personal portfolio

Class Structure

This is a Lecture and studio based class. Each subject will be introduced with a lecture, video and/or demonstration. Classes will begin with assignments’ introduction, review and or critique of projects assigned in previous sessions.

Grading Policy

65% Class Projects’ Assignments and Presentations
15% Final Exam: Story Board and Research Paper/Presentation 
10% Sketchbook
10% Attendance and Participation in class

Continuous assessment: All projects will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Creativity: concept and execution; design development and presentation.

Attendance and Class Participation Policy

A.   Attendance

Due to the nature of the course, your attendance is mandatory. As in other design courses, you are expected to be on time and be prepared to work in class.  If absent from class, you are still responsible for the material covered. Demonstrations and explanations given in lectures and studio sessions may present information that is not accessible through readings and independent research. If you know you will be absent to class, you must contact the instructor in advance.
You are allowed 2 unexcused absences for the class. A third unexcused absence will result in a drop of one full letter grade for the FINAL GRADE. (e.g.an “A” will drop in a “B”) . 6 unexcused absences will result in a failing grade (F) for the course.

Students arriving after the scheduled beginning time for class and up to 10 minutes late will be considered tardy. Three late = one absence per course. Students arriving more than 30 minutes late will be counted absent.

B.    Participation in Class

Deadlines are given for the completion of all projects. The deadline means that all works must be completed and the project must be submitted as specified. Allow sufficient time for the completion of assignments. Keep in mind that all class projects may be revised or reworked after critiques to be submitted in the Final Portfolio.

You are expected to participate in critiques. Marks will be deducted from class participation grade when a student fails to bring the appropriate equipment or does not have prepared assignments for class and critiques.

Critiques provide a forum of discussion. Attendance at all Project’ Critiques is mandatory

For further details about attendance, plagiarism and other Academic Policies & Regulations, please refer to www.newhaven.edu/studenthandbook

Required textbook

Launching the Imagination
A comprehensive Guide to Basic Design/ 3rd Edition
Mc Graw-Hill Humanities, 2008
ISBN-10: 0073526487
Supplies List

  • Sketchbook
  • Pencils: HB/2B/ 4B/ 6B
  • Color Pencils and Markers
  • Magazines and Newspapers
  • Scissors
  • Metal Ruler 12/18”
  • Exacto knife / Blades
  • White Bristol paper and Illustration boards
  • Black construction paper
  • Black Ink
  • Brushes: Round and Flat (Windsor & Newton/Cotman/Winton)
  • Acrylic Painting (Black, White, Yellow, Red & Blue)
  • Masking tape
  • Further Construction, color papers, cardboards, or additional supplies may be needed depending on the development of individual projects

Textbook can be purchased at Campus Bookstore or Online.
Art Supplies can be purchased with discount for UNH students at Hull's Art Supply & Framing
1144 Chapel Street / New Haven, CT 06511/ http://www.hullsnewhaven.com/